Miodrag Kojadinović
« Selfie-before-selfie, a self photo on a timer controlled old style regular film camera in front of a blackboard at the high school where I went to school in the 1970s and then taught English for 3 years before I got a job at the US Embassy in 1987 (and only ever returned to teaching at universities in 2000s). The writing behind me is mostly French, from a previous class, because English was facultative, not compulsory, so students came from various individual classrooms and so no one had a sponge to wipe off the blackboard, and I wrote on it in capitals to make the text stand out. Apparently this was about ethnics (I completely forgot what I was teaching 37 years ago), as DUTCH, DANISh (sic), GERMAN and RUSSIAN are discernible, as is POLE (not sure if this was about Polish people, probably) but also SURGEON, CHOOSE and SPLE... behind me, probably SPLENDID and not SPLEEN. » . . additional information: « At the time I hated that small town in Serbia, 50 minutes drive from downtow...